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Two months ago we launched a new rebranded and modernized website for Active Air Alberta. Off the bat we recognized a few key targets for this that had to be met. This website had to have Airdrie SEO, along with Edmonton, Calgary, Fort McMurray, and more. For a website to be successful it must have:

  • Easy to use navigation
  • A welcoming and user friendly layout
  • Unique and memorable design
  • Convert visitors to leads
  • Convert leads into sales

Shortly after launching the site we also began to run our SEO Services alongside full time ads. We did rigorous research into search terms and provided them with affordable web solutions to their problems.

SEO Airdrie

What we have achieved so far

  • Took over the marketing for three franchisees and unified the messaging
  • Dozens of leads weekly across Calgary AB, Fort McMurray, Airdrie, and Edmonton.
  • 20 transactional keywords on the first page (excluding ones with their name)
  • Increased total ranking keywords by over 400%

In order for this to work we collaborate closely with our clients. This allows us to understand their services and the key factors that make them stand out from the crowd. Our process is one of trust and transparency. We follow a process that has been worked out hundreds of projects and is being fine tuned after every use.

Here is a high level overview of the process:

  1. On boarding
  2. SEO & Analytics
  3. UX & UI Design process
  4. Development
  5. Ongoing Development and on page SEO

This case study will show how our client Action Air Alberta achieved success. We will also provide tips and tricks to help you create a similar impact.

On Boarding for Web Design

The length of time this takes can vary between each client. Several factors can influence the speed of the first step. However, we guarantee the same quality in the end. Some of the variables could be how long the company has been around, how many current web sites that have, and even the amount of programs and data we need access to.

Here is a shortlist of what you should have ready if you’re looking to rebuild a site:

Social media access

This depends on the package you get, usually just management access will do. While some clients will not need to provide this if they are just getting a website without marketing (social media management, ppc campaigns, or branding)in those cases we will need the direct URL for the profiles you have.

This allows us to link the pages for to your site. Which is both great for usability, and search engine optimization.

Google Access

This one is key to making sure your website and digital marketing get off the ground running. By providing this we can hook the analytics up to your site to view the results of the new site as it gets going. We can also help you optimize your Google My Business profile so you show up quickly.

The next tool is the Google Search Console. It allows you to view your website’s ranking, as well as the phrases that you appear for on Google. By giving us the access to these platforms you increase the chances of your website having an affect right out of the gates.

Other marketing info

It is vital for us as your web designers to know of any other marketing programs you are currently running. This ensures that the programs work together to create a positive affect and not get in each others way.

It doesn’t matter what form of advertising we use – radio ad, door hanger, or flyer. We want to ensure that our materials are on brand and share the same message. This applies to all materials. Don’t forget past marketing material as well.

Domain and Hosting Access

This one is where a lot of people struggle. Domains and hosting are usually two separate things. While it is optimal for some people to have them in the same place – it’s rarely the case. You will want to rather contact your current web designer, hosting agency, or dig it up in your accounts.

If you are getting a new domain, we highly suggest waiting to speak to us before pulling the trigger. We will touch more on that in our next blog.

SEO & Analytics

Creating a website is a great start, but if no one can see it then it won’t be of much use.

We take pre-emptive measures. This ensures your website will show up. We also ensure your website will be set up for future marketing. By using state of the art technology we can do a competitive analysis on your industry and show you what you need to do to succeed.

For Active Air Alberta we were able to pick apart the strategies of their competitors and rank them in the top ten within two months time.

By better understanding the market that you’re working in, you’re much more likely to succeed.

Airdrie Web Design for Active Air Alberta

UX UI Design Process

We won’t dive to far into this, as you can read about it here. We work along side our clients to build a site that helps display their brand in the best light. All while creating easy to use navigation systems and CTA’s (Call to actions) that help close the deal.

It is key here, that these CTA’s allow you to answer both written and oral inquiries. Be sure to provide both call and email options across every page on the site. This makes it easy for the consumer to use their preferred method of contact.


We don’t expect you to fall in love with the first rendition (though it’s not terrible if you do). We send you the work and make adjustments until you’re happy. We don’t start developing until you’ve given us the green light.


The development process is extremely hands off for the client. Our turn around time averages 2 weeks, and you can expect the site to be identical to the designs provided. Once it is complete we will send you a test link. This way you can go through the site to check the info provided.

Ensuring the accuracy of phone numbers, addresses and emails is essential. This is because changing these three pieces of information can have a damaging effect on SEO.

Once the site has been thoroughly tested by our team and you’re ready for it to go live – we hit the switch.

Rank on Google

Ongoing Development and on page SEO

For your business to be successful in today’s volatile market you need to be ready to adapt. Your business should constantly be evolving, and that means your website should as well.

Active Air Alberta is continuing to grow. Their results improve month by month, as they adjust their campaigns. This growth is a result of continuing to work with us beyond the development stage.

Digital marketing is not as simple as posting an ad. Handle negative keywords daily. Study forecasts to understand which services will perform best for ads each month.

Having a strong plan to continue On Page Search Engine Optimization and marketing strategies is vital. This is not just to grow your business, but also to ensure it doesn’t get buried in the constant stream of new competition.

For more information regarding On Page SEO and Responsive Web Design. If you are looking for a Airdrie marketing company or web development in Airdrie contact us today for a free site audit and SEO check up. Our marketing agency specializes in website design, graphic design, publicity events and promotions.

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